We just rolled out our New Dashboard - it gives you all the info you need on one screen!

Bringing you all the latest data, statstics and tips for the game of KENO in Massachusetts and New Hampshire


Bonus Information

Shows the percentage deviation for each bonus type along with the amount of occurences of each bonus type. Allows for user-defined number of draws to show deviations and occurences. Use this to predict if you should play the bonus or not.

Column Occurences

Shows how many times numbers in a column have occurred. For example, how many sixes occurred per game (that is: 06-16-26-36-46-56-66-76).

Combination Data

Allows user to select the amount of combinations and will show the number of times that combination has appeared over a defined number of games. See how may times your favorite numbers have appeared!

Consecutive Numbers

Shows how many times consecutive numbers appear. For example, how many consecutive numbers occurred per game (that is: 02-03, 34-35, 66-67-68).


Our NEW Dahboard gives you all the data you need on one screen! Check it out!

Hot/Cold Chart

Shows the number of times a number has appeared in the last hour. Allows for user-defined selection of number of draws to see the data from the last game to one year. Tendency is that hot numbers will go on "runs" so it is good to play the recently hot numbers.

Hot/Cold Combination Chart

Shows the number of times a number has appeared in the last N Games. Allows for user-defined selection of number of draws (drill-down avaialable) to see the data from the last game to one year.

Last Hour Checkmarks

Shows how many times numbers each number has come out in hte last hour by a checkered grid.

Overdue Numbers

Shows the number of games a number has not appeared and how many games it has been since the number has last appeared. This is definitely one of my favorites!

Quadrant Occurences

Shows how many times numbers in a quadrant have occurred. There are four quadrants, upper left, upper right, lower left and lower right.

Repeating Number Data

See how many numbers are repeating from game to game. This was a report requested by one of our users. He has noticed a pattern that numbers are repeating more than average. I have looked at the statistics and I think he may be on to something.

Repeating Number Occurences

See how many numbers are repeating from game to game. This was a report requested by one of our users. This shows how many times a number has come up back-to-back withing a specific number of games.

Row Occurences

Shows how many times numbers in a row have occurred. For example, how many consecutive numbers per row occurred per game (that is: 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10).

Single Number Charts

See how many times a number has come up over the past 8 hours in a line chart similar to a stock market chart. Then we make recommendations on whether or not you should be playing the number based upon the number tendencies.

Time of Day Occurences

Allows the user to select the time of day (by hour) and show the number of times a number has appeared between that hour over the last month. This is one of our newest additions that seems interesting. Again, play the hotter numbers here.

"What-If" Bets

Allows user to see how much money they would have won/lost if betting a combination over the past defined number of games. How much would you have won or lost playing your numbers?